New decision framework just dropped: will my future self be grateful for this?

The Leading Body Language & Behaviour Expert: Manipulation Tricks The Military Use! – Chase Hughes
👆 Not a title I would usually click on, but after seeing a snippet on TikTok (2mins), I was intrigued to listen to the whole damn thing (yep, all 2hours!).
The whole conversation was fascinating but especially the advice to be your own butler. Rather than making decisions in service of your present self, consider your future self — like choosing your outfit before you go to sleep, leaving yourself a gratitude note in a jacket pocket to discover later, or ordering the healthy option on the menu.
I’m the kind of person who likes to clean up the house before going to bed, so my “morning self” has a better time, and will be on the lookout for ever more ways to act in service of future-Jess.
@steven On this episode of The Diary Of A CEO, Behaviour expert, Chase Hughes reveals the top ways to rewire your brain for success and it starts with understanding discipline? #DiaryOfACEO #Chasehughes #behaviourexpert #bodylanguageexpert #interview #podcast #success #motivation #newyearsresolution #newyearnewme #2025future #futureme ♬ original sound – Steven Bartlett