If you like a clean and tidy digital workspace, these are some things you may want to adjust when setting up a new mac… or improving an old one!
Setting up a new computer is not something I do often, so I had to make myself a little cheat sheet of what to tidy up off the bat!
I like to:
- Download any non-Apple programs, like Chrome, Spotify, Dropbox, 1Password and SizeUp
- Install any browser extensions, like Awesome Screenshot, 1Password, Momentum and the Pinterest helper
- Move the Dock to the left
- Update the Finder sidebar so the options you don’t need are removed (and new ones added), then set your default new Finder window (eg. I like it to open at the top of my Dropbox folder)
In this video (3min!), I chat through my new mac setup steps:
And here’s the result!