Using AI at work, and Michelle Obama’s life story.

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🎧Your new team member is an AI and they’re coming to your meeting

Listening to 🎧

Your new team member is an AI and they’re coming to your meeting (podcast episode)

Jess: This Working Life* is all about the modern world of work, and this AI episode (25mins) is an interesting one. It touches on current and future use cases, ethics/consent and the importance of company policy. Despite the extreme energy cost, it seems we’ve passed the point of no return for mainstream AI, and using it to support your workflow may have a place (with great power, great responsibility, etc).

*Lisa Leong has a book too! Also called… you guessed it, This Working Life. I wrote up my key takeaways from that one back in February 2023 πŸ€“

Reading πŸ“–

Becoming (book)

Jess: I’m a sucker for autobiographies, especially when the audiobook is spoken by the author. Chef’s kiss! It feels like they’re personally telling you their story. I’m only part way through, but loving Michelle Obama’s life story and the way she retells tiny detailed moments to weave the bigger picture.

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